File > New > Intranet
This is the first step of this journey, we want to tell you what we have built so far.
One year ago we started an “Intranet 2.0” project for a small bank.
The project main goal was to improve the ease of access to key informations, avoid personal (and sometimes out of sync) document folders, on user’s desktop.
We found a “Yahoo Directory” of about 4.000+ relevant documents (250.000+ pages).
To simplify document retrieval, every office developed a custom taxonomy to catalog corporate documents.
In the beginning there was Chaos,
And within this Chaos was Power,
Great Power without Form
Forget Google and try to search the internet browsing the “Yahoo Directory”.. you got it!
Our first goal was: no more phone calls to “knowledge owners” to find “that document” or endless filesystem style browsing in search of relevant informations.
So our first domain was a DMS.

Then we moved on:
- Support Ticketing with Knowledge Base,
- Corporate address book,
- Home Banking workflow,
- Point Of Sale workflow,
- Resource scheduling system,
- Corporate bookmarks,
- Corporate chat & file exchange,
- Active Directory sync,
- Personal & team calendars,
- Organisation chart,
- IT asset inventory,
- Analytics.
Some domains have been implemented with CQRS+ES, others with CRUD.
Next post I’ll cover the current architecture and our dev stack.
Stay tuned!